Odessa Amateur Radio Society

What is amateur (ham) radio?

Broadly, amateur (ham) radio is whatever you want it to be! Our hobby can range from checking in to local club nets, to emergency communications, to contesting, to chasing distant contacts (DXing), to communicating via direct satellite links or even with the International Space Station! Amateur radio has something for everyone. We would love to hear what interests or excites you about our hobby!

Who are we?

Odessa Amateur Radio Society (formerly West Texas Amateur Radio Club) was formed to promote educational and scientific objectives involving radio communication. We hope to organize and train licensed radio amateurs, to encourage and sponsor experimental activities in radio communications and electronics, and to educate the general public with regards to methods used and public service offered by radio amateurs. We also strive to promote the highest standards of practice and ethics in the conduct of amateur radio communications.


Contact us

Would you like more information? Fill out some info and we will be in touch shortly. We can’t wait to hear from you!